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A member registered Apr 16, 2021

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(1 edit)

I was just strolling through web games when I found it about a week ago. I decided to play it and found it really fun so I kept playing it, that's about it lol. I've also recommended it to some of my friends now so hope they see it.

(4 edits)

Wow this game is great! As people have said before it needs some bug fixes definitely but it's a great way to kill time in class. Here are some suggestions: Make the enemies wander around, add a knife(that can be thrown) add a sniper(or at least a scope upgrade), a rocket launcher, and let us maybe put some upgrades on our gun? These our just some random things I thought of that would be fun.

Edit: I also think that should add a timer in the corner near the number of enemies you've killed that shows how long until the gun is reloaded and maybe an ammo thing were you have to kill enemies to get ammo which would be why you have a knife so that when you run out of Ammo you can get more with the knife and this would result in the need for an ammo tracker that could be located near the right hand corner of the screen near your gun.

Edit 2: Also maybe have the enemies get some upgrades as the game goes on so that it doesn't become way too easy during late game. Also maybe add a score on the Game Over screen which shows how many enemies were killed.

Edit 3: Oh and the music and sound design is some of the best I've seen on Itch. Btw thanks for making this game it's one of the great ones I've found on even in it's current state. It's really a great game especially for one of your first games here on itch. Btw I'll be posting a YouTube video of me playing it soon after the aim gets a patch. Hope your computer gets fixed soon.